This was my original film poster which I was quite happy with but my target audience said that the colour of the image looked too faded and it didn't have the right tint of colour that suggested envy and jealousy. Majority of people liked the image of the eyes and said it looked quite intimidating and is like they are being watched which was the feel that I was trying to achieve, so I was quite happy that most people picked up on that. I also tried to get a few comments from people that weren't in my target audience, just to see what they had to say about it. The tag line at the bottom about the release date 'Following you into Cinemas', people said was quite effective as this also suggests being preyed upon like a vulnerable victim. They said the word 'Following' was really effective.

This is the final image of my film poster which I am quite pleased with as it doesn't look that much different from the original but it's easy to see the changes that have been made. After looking over my analysis of my research, I decided to move the billing block to the bottom and then make it a lot smaller in font. This had made it look like a real billing block and adds to the look of a real film poster, so having the billing block at the bottom is a convention that I have stuck to. All the names that are on the poster are all names of which I have made up and I made the decision of putting the directors name above the title as this seems to be popular on a lot of movie posters that are about. I then decided that the title being at the bottom didn't look like it should be there even though the research that I had done showed the title at the bottom on the majority of posters that I analysed so this is a convention that I have challenged. I thought that adding two of the main characters names underneathe the title will give it a movie poster look.
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